When Ali boarded the flight, he was immediately told by the cabin crew that recording videos was not allowed.“They told me I couldn’t record, and now I see why. I’m really questioning what I’m doing here”, Ali said in the video.
As Ali took his seat, his concerns grew. The plane’s condition was less than reassuring. The seat handle was broken, the overhead bin was held together with duct tape, and the seats were dusty.
“I’m on one of the most dangerous flights in the world,” Ali said in his video. “PIA is almost banned in Europe because a lot of their pilots had fake licenses.” .
With the plane already in the air, Ali was left to hope for a safe landing. The flight took him through the challenging mountain ranges around Skardu. “I’m just praying for a safe landing,” he said.
Despite his worries, there was a silver lining. Looking out the window, Ali was struck by the beauty of Skardu. He also mentioned that the interactive pilot made the journey better.
Ali’s video, showing both his concerns and the beautiful scenery, quickly gained attention. Viewers found his experience both entertaining and relatable.
One person joked, “I take it back, Air India! You guys are good!” Another humorously added, “PIA = Pray I Arrive.”
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